مقترحات البحث

Notification Dictionary
Notification Dictionary

Notification Dictionary

v0.0.20 by Karthikeyan Singaravelan

An app to access meaning of selected word as a notification. It works across all apps that support text selection. The apps shows the meaning as a notification for quick reference. Clicking on the not

Android Android 5.0تطبيقات
4.3 ( 621 ratings )
Price: $0
الاسم Notification Dictionary
الناشر Karthikeyan Singaravelan
القسم تطبيقات
الحجم يتباين حسب الجهاز
الاصدار ۰.۰.۲۰
التحديث ۲۰۲۳-۱۰-۰۱
Notification Dictionary is the most famous version in the Notification Dictionary series of publisher Karthikeyan Singaravelan
Mod Version 0.0.20
Total installs +١٬٠٠٠
Content Rating 27

An app to access meaning of selected word as a notification. It works across all apps that support text selection. The apps shows the meaning as a notification for quick reference. Clicking on the notification user can see all the meanings for the given word. The user can also search for meaning of other words.

* Easy access from all apps that have text selection.
* Enabled for offline usage.
* Click to copy meaning to clipboard.
* Long press to share meanings with others.
* Wide variety of meanings from Wikitionary.
* Open source and MIT License.

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  • To check the CPU and GPU of Android device, please use CPU-Z app

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